TOJDEL - Volume 7 - Issue 2 - April 2019
John K.E. Edumadze
the business of teaching and learning, there are others where this is not so. This paper sought to investigate the perception of
students using a Moodle platform from a university where the use of e-learning platform to supplement classroom’s
instructional delivery is not mandatory thus almost all courses do not use such platforms. Design: A purposive sampling
questionnaire was used in this study to solicit the views of third year business students after using the platform for two courses
taught by the author in both semesters of the 2016/17 academic year. A link from Google form that contains the questionnaire
was inserted into the Moodle platform for all 414 students who enrolled for the two courses to fill. In all 349 students
completely filled the questionnaire indicating a response rate of 84.3%, which was deemed adequate for the study. Results: It
was observed that overwhelming majority of the respondents own computing devices spending more than half of each day
using those devices. They also use computers for academic purposes (studying and researching) while using mobile devices for
non-academic purposes (personal life and social networking). Finally, they have positive impression with studying with the
Moodle LMS whiles they identified some challenges in using the said platform. Conclusions: Respondents are ready for elearning
take off since they own their devices, spend most of the time with them and are digital savvy. The identified issues
with the existing Moodle platform should be addressed before it is made mandatory.
M.Anuradha, K.Jawahar Rani
The performance of every organization may be affected by internal and external factors. The predominant
internal factor which may affect the performance of the employee is ‘workplace issues’ such as bullying,
discrimination, role conflict, communication, low motivation & job satisfaction, gossip, etc. In the present
research, the researcher has taken only four major workplace issues and wants to find out the effect success of elearning
system on minimizing workplace issues of the selected manufacturing organizations from Chennai city.
The sample size of the research is 250, chosen from five different manufacturing organizations. The primary
data was collected through the questionnaire with 50 items. The findings of the study revealed that all the three
hypothesis formulated based on the conceptual model is true and significant at 1% level. Based on the outcomes
of the research it is determined that the successful e-learning systems was able to minimize the workplace issues
of the selected manufacturing organizations from Chennai city, India.
S. Chandrasekaran, T. Thiruvenkadam, Mu.Subrahmanian
In information age, the youths are having access to various kinds of information, which enables them to take
informed decisions and leads to selection of best products and services. The prime aim of this research paper to
explore the impact of online learning on teenagers’ buying behaviour during online shopping. This research
followed exploratory research design. The primary data of the research was collected from 250 teenagers from
various part of the Chennai city using Google forms through social media sites. The data collected through the
google form was analyzed using frequency analysis and Structural equation modeling approach with the help of
IBM SPSS 22.0 and IBM AMOS 22.0 software. The findings of the study revealed that the online learning has
significant positive impact on teenagers’ buying behaviour during online shopping.
Ravichandran Kamalakannan
Social media is a collection of online platforms and tools that people use to share content, profiles, opinions,
insights, experiences, perspectives. It facilitates conversations and interactions online between varied groups of
people. Social Media is an important tool, which acts as a platform to voice their opinions. It has its
disadvantages too as people who are addicted to social media may experience negative side effects such as
eyestrain, social withdrawal or lack of sleep, stress, which may lead to depression and other health related issues.
From the beginning of the 21st century, social media is playing important role in the lives of people. In line with
Andress & Winterfeld (2013), it’s being the reason for widening gap between the elders and youngsters, be it
parents and children, this is solely due to lack of awareness. Rituals and traditions have taken a backseat as
people are spending too much time online. Structural Equation Model has analyzed the following factors of
social media. Social media helps to learn new opportunities was felt by 68% of the people while 72% utilize
social media for entertainment. Social media being used for job searching was expressed by 55%. Too much
utilization of social media causes health problems was felt by 60% of the respondents. Social media as means of
communicating with friends was what 65% of subjects expressed. 46.5% and 59% said social media being used
to do online shopping opined social media used for advertisement.
Mahedi Hasan, Nazrul Islam Mondal
Bangladesh Betar (BB) broadcasts farm programs (FP) for educating and motivating Bangladeshi farmers to
adopt modern farm technologies. But the low listenership of the FP and the ignorance of farmers raised
questions of the effectiveness of the FP. This study aimed at marketing prospects analysis of the FP of BB
through its motivational effects on adopting new farm technologies. Data collected from surveying 465 farmers
were analyzed with binary logistic regression analysis. This study reveals that the FP has motivational effects on
the farmers that indicates its high marketing prospects. Befitting marketing strategies are to be formulated to
ensure high listenership of the FP.
S Radha, J. Michael Mariadhas, A.K.Subramani, N. Akbar Jan
attitude by the older generation to the new generation in the society. Enormous technological interventions in
the society facilitates lot of innovative tools to simplify the learning process and encourages self-learning among
the individuals. The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of e-learning and digital media resources in
employability of management students in Chennai city. The survey was conducted among 130 management
students from thirteen higher education institutes which offers MBA programme. The primary data collected
through the questionnaire was analyzed through frequency analysis and structural equation modeling approach.
The results of the study explored that use of e-learning and digital media resources in management education
has significant positive impact in employability of management students in Chennai city.
C. Selvaraj
The learning is inevitable part in every individuals’ life which enriches their knowledge, skill, and attitude and
enhances their competencies and capabilities. The employability of an individual depends on their competencies and
capabilities. The e-learning plays an important role in enhancing the employability of the individuals. The purpose
of the research paper is to analyze the users’ satisfaction towards e-learning systems in management education in
Chennai city. The researcher contacted all engineering colleges, Arts & science colleges, Standalone institutions,
and business schools located in Chennai city, Tamil Nadu state, India which offers Master of Business
Administration (MBA) programme in their educational institutions and also implemented e-learning course to
develop the communication skill, soft skill, quantitative aptitude, verbal reasoning, and subject knowledge. The
research survey was conducted among 360 samples (i.e. 300 management students, and 60 faculty members). The
data collection instrument has six critical dimensions such as learner, instructor, course, technology, design, and
environment. The frequency analysis, mean, standard deviation, and confirmatory factor analysis was used to
analyze the primary data of the research. The results of the research indicates that all the critical dimensions of elearning
such as learner, instructor, course, design, technology, and environment are having significant positive
relationship on measuring success of e-learning systems used in selected management educational institutions
located in Chennai city. It is also found that users’ (management students and faculty) are having more than
moderate level of satisfaction towards all the dimensions of critical dimensions of success of e-learning systems.
Nahel A O Abdallah, Abdul Rahman Ahlan, Odeh Abed Abdullah
learning management systems have been largely used in universities for teaching, student learning, curriculum,
and staff development. However, just providing higher education institutions with a learning management
system does not guarantee a success. Quality assurance of these systems has become a central concern for
practitioners, researchers, and system providers. In this context, this empirical research investigates quality
factors that can contribute to learning management system adoption. In addition, the study developed a research
model based on TAM and information systems success model by integrating associated quality indicators
inclusive of system quality, service quality, information quality, and instructor quality. Quantitative data using
questionnaire gathered from 365 lecturers in Palestine universities were inspected to evaluate the influence of
various constructs on lecturers’ adoption of learning management systems using structural equation modeling
analysis technique. The research findings show that information quality, system quality, service quality, and
instructors’ quality can contribute to e-learning management system adoption with regards to their beliefs. This
Research contributes positively to the limited literature on assessing the quality predictors of learning
management system adoption.
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