9 TOJDEL-The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning



All submissions MUST be sent to the Editor by email.

No hard copy submission papers will be accepted.  A format which best preserves the "document look" is preferred.  

Files types submitted are of two primary types: Main Manuscript and Artwork files.  See below for acceptable submission files types.  

Link all files from the Main Manuscript and embed the graphics in this document.  Also, ALL files should be sent separately with names matching those in the Main Manuscript.  Do NOT submit compressed files. 


--Main Manuscript (primary submission document)

Submit your manuscript in  WORD FORMAT - Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx ) (See Sample Article)

Do not use any word processing options/tools, such as--strike through, hidden text, comments, merges, and so forth.  Due to the academic focus of this publication, the use of personal pronoun (I, we, etc.) and present tense is strongly discouraged. 

--Artwork (Tables, Figures, Appendices, & Videos)

Tables All tables (i.e., data displayed in rows and columns) must be submitted either in HTML format or as MS Word tables embedded in the manuscript near the first reference to the corresponding table. Tables MUST be no wider than 500 pixels (5.25").  Lengthy tables are discouraged as they are difficult to read online.  

Figures Figure graphics (e.g., charts, graphs, photographs, and drawings) must be in either .GIF, .PNG, or .JPG format, attached to the electronic file.  Filenames for figures must be clearly labeled as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., at the bottom of the figure, left justified, numbered in sequence, and must be referenced within the text of the article.  

ALT tags will be applied to all graphics. The default tag will be the figure caption supplied by the author.  Authors should provide tag text for any graphics used as links to audio or videos.

Appendices All supplemental text not falling under the definition of a table or figure will be considered an appendix.  Appendices should be placed at the end of the manuscript, after the reference list.  If possible, authors should provide a link from the reference to the appendix in the manuscript (e.g., “see Appendix A”) to the beginning of the actual appendix.

Videos All videos must be submitted as RealMedia (.RM) (formatted files, optimized for Web use (see note following this paragraph).  (Flash animations should also be converted to .RM format.) Videos should be identified in the text as “Video 1, Video 2,” etc., and video filenames should include the corresponding video numbers. Authors must provide a link to the video within the article.  This link could be a text link (e.g., “Video 1”) or a still frame from the video (i.e., a .GIF, .PNG or .JPG file).

Audio files Audio files must be submitted as RealMedia (.RM) formatted files (see note just preceding this paragraph). Audio files should be identified in the text as “Audio 1, Audio 2,” etc., and audio filenames should include the corresponding audio numbers. Authors must provide a link to the audio within the article.  This link could be a text link (e.g., “Audio 1”) or a related graphic.

NOTE: For assistance with video and audio compression into multiple formats, Media Cleaner is one industry leader you may find helpful.  


Material must be original, reflect the integrity expected of scholarly communication, and demonstrate a coherence and unity that makes the paper both understandable and interesting.  Before submitting an article, please review the following suggestions.  Original manuscripts received in correct form serve to expedite the review process, others will be returned to author. Spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and the mechanical elements of arrangements, spacing, length, and consistency of usage in form and descriptions should be studied before submission.



Because this is an electronic journal the length of papers may vary.  The length of your paper should be appropriate to the topic and focus.  We will accept some papers that are only two or three pages long and some that are as long as 40 or 50 pages. The critical issue is whether the length is appropriate.



All manuscripts must be original. No manuscript will be considered which has already been published or is being considered by another magazine or journal. However, if work described in conference proceedings is substantially revised and extended, it will be considered. Submission of a manuscript represents certification by the author that the article is not being considered nor has been published elsewhere.


--Handling of Manuscripts

All manuscripts are acknowledged upon receipt via email. Review is carried out as promptly as possible. The manuscript will be reviewed by at least two members of the Editorial Review Board, which takes usually no more than eight weeks. When a decision for publication or rejection is made, the first author or author designated to receive correspondence is notified.


--Title Sheet

Common Contact Information*
first author private contact information (if there is) *
second author private contact information (if there is) ** 
third author private contact information (if there is)***



Each article should include an informative, comprehensive abstract of 75 to 200 words. This abstract should succinctly summarize the major points of the paper, and the author's summary and/or conclusions.


--Mechanical Requirements

Because this is an electronic journal the length of papers may vary.  The length of your paper should be appropriate to the topic and focus.  We will accept some papers that are only two or three pages long and some that are as long as 40 or 50 pages. The critical issue is whether the length is appropriate.


--Credits and Acknowledgments

Acknowledgments or appreciation to individuals for assistance with the manuscript or with the material reported should be included in the Acknowledgment at the end of the article.



Authors are responsible for checking the accuracy of all references and that all references cited in the text also appear in the Reference section. All references should be in alphabetical order by author (unnumbered) American Psychological Association (APA) style. Citation examples (1) book and (2) periodical:

İşman, Aytekin (1997). Distance Education: A guide for learners and teachers. Ankara: Association Press.

İşman, G.Y. (1998). Student Perceptions on Distance Education. Distance Education, 8(1), 7-22.

--Citing Electronic Media

The following forms for citing on-line sources are taken from the APA Publication Guidelines, Appendix 3-A, Section I (pp. 218-222). Please see the APA manual for additional information on formatting electronic media.  A block quote must be a minimum of 40 words or four lines, single spaced (not 20 and double spaced as is presently noted).  In citations, et al., can only be used after all authors have been cited or referenced. As per APA all citations must match the reference list and vice versa.  A maximum of 40 references is recommended.  

Elements of references to on-line information

Author, I. (date). Title of article. Name of Periodical [On-line], xx. Available: Specify path

Author, I., & Author, I. (date). Title of chapter. In Title of full work [On-line]. Available: Specify path

Author, I., Author, I., & Author, I. (date). Title of full work [On-line]. Available: Specify path

The date element should indicate the year of publication or, if the source undergoes regular revision, the most recent update; if a date cannot be determined, provide an exact date of your search. (p. 219)

An availability statement replaces the location and name of a publisher typically provided for text references. Provide information sufficient to retrieve the material. For example, for material that is widely available on networks, specify the method used to find the material, such as the protocol (Telnet, FTP, Internet, etc.), the directory, and the file name. (p. 219)

Other Electronic Media

Author, I. (Version number) [CD-ROM]. (date). Location of producer/distributor: Name of producer/distributor.

Author, I. (date). Title of article [CD-ROM]. Title of Journal, xx, xxx-xxx. Abstract from: Source and tretrieval number

Author, I. (date). Name of Software (Version number) [Computer software]. Location of Location of producer/distributor: Name of producer/distributor.

After the title of the work, insert in brackets as part of the title element (i.e., before the period) the type of medium for the material (current examples include CD-ROM, Electronic data tape, cartridge tape, and computer program). (p. 220)

Include the location and name of the producer and distributor if citing an entire bibliographic database. (p. 220)


Authors may provide links to interactive media or files containing animation, sound, and images that will help readers better understand and envision the concepts authors are trying to express (see Multimedia Guidelines). Authors may include up to 15 non-reference URLs for sites of interest to readers.


Contact Information

aytekinisman@gmail.com or tojdel.editor@gmail.com

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