Mini Shell

Mini Shell

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Current File : /home/tojsat/public_html/huseyineski/js_/effects.js

// JavaScript Document
// BROWSER Detection //						   
var browser=navigator.appName;
var b_version=navigator.appVersion;
var version=parseFloat(b_version);

// Using browser detection to disable the jQuery Blend effect on the main menu in IE6 and Opera - z-index issues //

if (b_version.indexOf("MSIE 6.0")==-1 && browser.indexOf("Opera")==-1 && b_version.indexOf("MSIE 7.0")==-1) {
        $("#menu_group_main a").blend();       

// I have used IF statements to avoid missing elements or functions on pages. //
// The effects will work only if the linked element exists in the document    //

if ( $(".column").length > 0 ) {

// We make the .column divs sortable //
			connectWith: '.column',
			// We make the .portlet-header to act as a handle for moving portlets //
			handle: '.portlet-header'
		// We create the protlets and style them accordingly by script //
		$(".portlet").addClass("ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all")
				.addClass("ui-widget-header ui-corner-top")
				.prepend('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-n"></span>')
		// We make arrow button on any portlet header to act as a switch for sliding up and down the portlet content //
		$(".portlet-header .ui-icon").click(function() {
			return false;	
		// We disable the mouse selection on .column divs //
		// This function is making the info messages to slide up when the X is clicked //
		$(".info").click(function() {
		// This is creating a modal box from a hidden element on the page with id #inline_example1 //
			bgiframe: true,
			autoOpen: false,
			modal: true
		// This is creating a modal box from a hidden element on the page with id #inline_example2 //
			bgiframe: false,
			autoOpen: false,
			modal: true
		// This triggers the modal dialog box //
		$('.mail').click(function() {
		// This toggles the color changer menu //
		$(".dropdown").click(function() { 

// The functions below are made as FX for table operations //
if ( $(".approve_icon").length > 0 ) {		
		$(".approve_icon").click(function() { 
			$(this).parents("tr").css({ "background-color" : "#e1fbcd" }, 'fast'); 
				// THE ALERT BELOW CAN BE REMOVED - you can put any function here linked to the approve icon link in the table //
				alert('this is approved');
if ( $(".reject_icon").length > 0 ) {	
		$(".reject_icon").click(function() { 
			$(this).parents("tr").css({ "background-color" : "#fbcdcd" }, 'fast'); 	
				// THE ALERT BELOW CAN BE REMOVED - you can put any function here linked to the reject icon link in the table //
			alert('this is rejected');
if ( $(".delete_icon").length > 0 ) {	
		$(".delete_icon").click(function() { 
			$(this).parents("tr").css({ "background-color" : "#fbcdcd" }, 'fast'); 
			// THE ALERT BELOW CAN BE REMOVED - you can put any function here linked to the delete icon link in the table //
			alert('this is deleted!');
			// And we make the deleted row to dissapear! //
// This function serves the More submenu ideea - you can attach the class .more to any tabbed link and you will trigger the hidden sub-sub menu to appear when clicked - this can be developed in a nice way if you have an enormous amount of links //
if ( $(".more").length > 0 ) {	
		$("#tabs .more").click(function() { 
			$(this).toggleClass("current"); return false;								 			
// This triggers the calendar when clicked on the event tip on the right of the title - dashboard.html - it can be used anywhere in the page //
if ( $(".hidden_calendar").length > 0 ) {
		$(".inline_calendar").click(function() { 
// This triggers the 2nd modal box when clicked on the TIP link on the right of the title - forms.html //
if ( $(".inline_tip").length > 0 ) {
		$(".inline_tip").click(function() { 
// THE jQuery scripts end here //

// Below is the "allbox" script for selecting all checkboxes in a table by clicking one of them - usualy the on in the table heading //

if ( $("#allbox").length > 0 ) {		
	function checkAll(){
		for (var i=0;i<document.forms[0].elements.length;i++)
			var e=document.forms[0].elements[i];
			if ((e.name != 'allbox') && (e.type=='checkbox'))

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0