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Mini Shell

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Current File : /home/tojsat/public_html/ydx/book/vendor/mpdf/mpdf/CHANGES 5.7.4.txt

Files changed

Bug Fixes & Minor Additions
- SVG images now support embedded images e.g. <image xlink:href="image.png" width="100px" height="100px" />
- SVG images now supports <tspan> element e.g. <tspan x,y,dx,dy,text-anchor >, and also <tref>
- SVG images now can use Autofont (see top of classes/svg.php file)
- SVG images now has limited support for CSS classes (see top of classes/svg.php file)
- SVG images - style inheritance improved
- SVG images - improved handling of comments and other extraneous code
- SVG images - fix to ensure opacity is reset before another element
- SVG images - font-size not resetting after a <text> element
- SVG radial gradients bug (if the focus [fx,fy] lies outside circle defined by [cx,cy] and r) cf. pservers-grad-15-b.svg
- SVG allows spaces in attribute definitions in <use> or <defs> e.g. <use x = "0" y = "0" xlink:href = "#s3" />
- SVG text which contains a < sign, it will break the text - now processed as &lt; (despite the fact that this does not conform to XML spec)
- SVG images - support automatic font selection and (minimal) use of CSS classes - cf. the defined constants at top of svg.php file
- SVG images - text-anchor now supported as a CSS style, as well as an HTML attribute
- CSS support for :nth-child() selector improved to fully support the draft CSS3 spec - http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#nth-child-pseudo
	[NB only works on table columns or rows]
- text-indent when set as "em" - incorrectly calculated if last text in line in different font size than for block
- CSS not applying cascaded styles on <A> elements - [changed MergeCSS() type to INLINE for 'A', LEGEND, METER and PROGRESS]
- fix for underline/strikethrough/overline so that line position(s) are based correctly on font-size/font in nested situations
- Error: Strict warning: Only variables should be passed by reference - in PHP5.5.9 
- bug accessing images from some servers (HTTP 403 Forbidden whn accessed using fopen etc.)
- Setting page format incorrectly set default twice and missed some options
- bug fixed in Overwrite() when specifying replacement as a string
- barcode C93 - updated C93 code from TCPDF because of bug - incorrect checksum character for "153-2-4"
- Tables - bug when using colspan across columns which may have a cell width specified
	cf. http://www.mpdf1.com/forum/discussion/2221/colspan-bug
- Tables - cell height (when specified) is not resized when table is shrunk
- Tables - if table width specified, but narrower than minimum cell wdith, and less than page width - table will expand to 
	minimum cell width(s) as long as $keep_table_proportions = true
- Tables - if using packTableData, and borders-collapse, wider border is overwriting content of adjacent cell
	Test case:
	<table style="border-collapse: collapse;">
	<tr><td style="border-bottom: 42px solid #0FF; "> Hallo world </td></tr>
	<tr><td style="border-top: 14px solid #0F0; "> Hallo world </td></tr>
- Images - image height is reset proportional to original if width is set to maximum e.g. <img width="100%" height="20mm"
- URL handling changed to work with special characters in path fragments; affects <a> links, <mg> images and 
	CSS url() e.g background-image
	- also to ignore "../" included as a query value
- Barcodes with bottom numerals e.g. EAN-13 - incorrect numeral size when using core fonts
NB Spec. for embedded SVG images:
as per http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-SVG11-20030114/struct.html#ImageElement
Attributes supported:
xlink:href (required) - can be jpeg, png or gif image - not vector (SVG or WMF) image
width (required)
height (required)

Note: all attribute names and values are case-sensitive
width and height cannot be assigned by CSS - must be attributes

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0