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.. _elements:


Below are the matrix of element availability in each container. The
column shows the containers while the rows lists the elements.

| Num   | Element         | Section   | Header   | Footer   | Cell    | Text Run   | Footnote   |
| 1     | Text            | v         | v        | v        | v       | v          | v          |
| 2     | Text Run        | v         | v        | v        | v       | -          | -          |
| 3     | Link            | v         | v        | v        | v       | v          | v          |
| 4     | Title           | v         | ?        | ?        | ?       | ?          | ?          |
| 5     | Preserve Text   | ?         | v        | v        | v\*     | -          | -          |
| 6     | Text Break      | v         | v        | v        | v       | v          | v          |
| 7     | Page Break      | v         | -        | -        | -       | -          | -          |
| 8     | List            | v         | v        | v        | v       | -          | -          |
| 9     | Table           | v         | v        | v        | v       | -          | -          |
| 10    | Image           | v         | v        | v        | v       | v          | v          |
| 11    | Watermark       | -         | v        | -        | -       | -          | -          |
| 12    | Object          | v         | v        | v        | v       | v          | v          |
| 13    | TOC             | v         | -        | -        | -       | -          | -          |
| 14    | Footnote        | v         | -        | -        | v\*\*   | v\*\*      | -          |
| 15    | Endnote         | v         | -        | -        | v\*\*   | v\*\*      | -          |
| 16    | CheckBox        | v         | v        | v        | v       | -          | -          |
| 17    | TextBox         | v         | v        | v        | v       | -          | -          |
| 18    | Field           | v         | v        | v        | v       | v          | v          |
| 19    | Line            | v         | v        | v        | v       | v          | v          |


- ``v``. Available.
- ``v*``. Available only when inside header/footer.
- ``v**``. Available only when inside section.
- ``-``. Not available.
- ``?``. Should be available.


Text can be added by using ``addText`` and ``addTextRun`` method.
``addText`` is used for creating simple paragraphs that only contain texts with the same style.
``addTextRun`` is used for creating complex paragraphs that contain text with different style (some bold, other
italics, etc) or other elements, e.g. images or links. The syntaxes are as follow:

.. code-block:: php

    $section->addText($text, [$fontStyle], [$paragraphStyle]);
    $textrun = $section->addTextRun([$paragraphStyle]);

- ``$text``. Text to be displayed in the document.
- ``$fontStyle``. See :ref:`font-style`.
- ``$paragraphStyle``. See :ref:`paragraph-style`.

For available styling options see :ref:`font-style` and :ref:`paragraph-style`.


If you want to structure your document or build table of contents, you need titles or headings.
To add a title to the document, use the ``addTitleStyle`` and ``addTitle`` method.

.. code-block:: php

    $phpWord->addTitleStyle($depth, [$fontStyle], [$paragraphStyle]);
    $section->addTitle($text, [$depth]);

- ``depth``.
- ``$fontStyle``. See :ref:`font-style`.
- ``$paragraphStyle``. See :ref:`paragraph-style`.
- ``$text``. Text to be displayed in the document.

It's necessary to add a title style to your document because otherwise the title won't be detected as a real title.


You can add Hyperlinks to the document by using the function addLink:

.. code-block:: php

    $section->addLink($linkSrc, [$linkName], [$fontStyle], [$paragraphStyle]);

- ``$linkSrc``. The URL of the link.
- ``$linkName``. Placeholder of the URL that appears in the document.
- ``$fontStyle``. See :ref:`font-style`.
- ``$paragraphStyle``. See :ref:`paragraph-style`.

Preserve texts

The ``addPreserveText`` method is used to add a page number or page count to headers or footers.

.. code-block:: php

    $footer->addPreserveText('Page {PAGE} of {NUMPAGES}.');


Text breaks

Text breaks are empty new lines. To add text breaks, use the following syntax. All parameters are optional.

.. code-block:: php

    $section->addTextBreak([$breakCount], [$fontStyle], [$paragraphStyle]);

- ``$breakCount``. How many lines.
- ``$fontStyle``. See :ref:`font-style`.
- ``$paragraphStyle``. See :ref:`paragraph-style`.

Page breaks

There are two ways to insert a page breaks, using the ``addPageBreak``
method or using the ``pageBreakBefore`` style of paragraph.

:: code-block:: php



To add a list item use the function ``addListItem``.

Basic usage:

.. code-block:: php

    $section->addListItem($text, [$depth], [$fontStyle], [$listStyle], [$paragraphStyle]);


- ``$text``. Text that appears in the document.
- ``$depth``. Depth of list item.
- ``$fontStyle``. See :ref:`font-style`.
- ``$listStyle``. List style of the current element TYPE\_NUMBER,
   TYPE\_ALPHANUM, TYPE\_BULLET\_FILLED, etc. See list of constants in PHPWord\_Style\_ListItem.
- ``$paragraphStyle``. See :ref:`paragraph-style`.

Advanced usage:

You can also create your own numbering style by changing the ``$listStyle`` parameter with the name of your numbering style.

.. code-block:: php

            'type' => 'multilevel',
            'levels' => array(
                array('format' => 'decimal', 'text' => '%1.', 'left' => 360, 'hanging' => 360, 'tabPos' => 360),
                array('format' => 'upperLetter', 'text' => '%2.', 'left' => 720, 'hanging' => 360, 'tabPos' => 720),
    $section->addListItem('List Item I', 0, null, 'multilevel');
    $section->addListItem('List Item I.a', 1, null, 'multilevel');
    $section->addListItem('List Item I.b', 1, null, 'multilevel');
    $section->addListItem('List Item II', 0, null, 'multilevel');

For available styling options see :ref:`numbering-level-style`.


To add tables, rows, and cells, use the ``addTable``, ``addRow``, and ``addCell`` methods:

.. code-block:: php

    $table = $section->addTable([$tableStyle]);
    $table->addRow([$height], [$rowStyle]);
    $cell = $table->addCell($width, [$cellStyle]);

Table style can be defined with ``addTableStyle``:

.. code-block:: php

    $tableStyle = array(
        'borderColor' => '006699',
        'borderSize'  => 6,
        'cellMargin'  => 50
    $firstRowStyle = array('bgColor' => '66BBFF');
    $phpWord->addTableStyle('myTable', $tableStyle, $firstRowStyle);
    $table = $section->addTable('myTable');

For available styling options see :ref:`table-style`.

Cell span

You can span a cell on multiple columns by using ``gridSpan`` or multiple rows by using ``vMerge``.

.. code-block:: php

    $cell = $table->addCell(200);

See ``Sample_09_Tables.php`` for more code sample.


To add an image, use the ``addImage`` method to sections, headers, footers, textruns, or table cells.

.. code-block:: php

    $section->addImage($src, [$style]);

- ``$src``. String path to a local image or URL of a remote image.
- ``$style``. See :ref:`image-style`.


.. code-block:: php

    $section = $phpWord->addSection();
            'width'         => 100,
            'height'        => 100,
            'marginTop'     => -1,
            'marginLeft'    => -1,
            'wrappingStyle' => 'behind'
    $footer = $section->addFooter();
    $textrun = $section->addTextRun();


To add a watermark (or page background image), your section needs a
header reference. After creating a header, you can use the
``addWatermark`` method to add a watermark.

.. code-block:: php

    $section = $phpWord->addSection();
    $header = $section->addHeader();
    $header->addWatermark('resources/_earth.jpg', array('marginTop' => 200, 'marginLeft' => 55));


You can add OLE embeddings, such as Excel spreadsheets or PowerPoint
presentations to the document by using ``addObject`` method.

.. code-block:: php

    $section->addObject($src, [$style]);

Table of contents

To add a table of contents (TOC), you can use the ``addTOC`` method.
Your TOC can only be generated if you have add at least one title (See "Titles").

.. code-block:: php

    $section->addTOC([$fontStyle], [$tocStyle], [$minDepth], [$maxDepth]);

- ``$fontStyle``. See font style section.
- ``$tocStyle``. See available options below.
- ``$minDepth``. Minimum depth of header to be shown. Default 1.
- ``$maxDepth``. Maximum depth of header to be shown. Default 9.

Options for ``$tocStyle``:

- ``tabLeader``. Fill type between the title text and the page number. Use the defined constants in PHPWord\_Style\_TOC.
- ``tabPos``. The position of the tab where the page number appears in twips.
- ``indent``. The indent factor of the titles in twips.

Footnotes & endnotes

You can create footnotes with ``addFootnote`` and endnotes with
``addEndnote`` in texts or textruns, but it's recommended to use textrun
to have better layout. You can use ``addText``, ``addLink``,
``addTextBreak``, ``addImage``, ``addObject`` on footnotes and endnotes.

On textrun:

.. code-block:: php

    $textrun = $section->addTextRun();
    $textrun->addText('Lead text.');
    $footnote = $textrun->addFootnote();
    $footnote->addText('Footnote text can have ');
    $footnote->addLink('http://test.com', 'links');
    $footnote->addText('And text break.');
    $textrun->addText('Trailing text.');
    $endnote = $textrun->addEndnote();
    $endnote->addText('Endnote put at the end');

On text:

.. code-block:: php

    $section->addText('Lead text.');
    $footnote = $section->addFootnote();
    $footnote->addText('Footnote text.');

The footnote reference number will be displayed with decimal number
starting from 1. This number use ``FooterReference`` style which you can
redefine by ``addFontStyle`` method. Default value for this style is
``array('superScript' => true)``;


Checkbox elements can be added to sections or table cells by using ``addCheckBox``.

.. code-block:: php

    $section->addCheckBox($name, $text, [$fontStyle], [$paragraphStyle])

- ``$name``. Name of the check box.
- ``$text``. Text to be displayed in the document.
- ``$fontStyle``. See :ref:`font-style`.
- ``$paragraphStyle``. See :ref:`paragraph-style`.


To be completed


To be completed


Line elements can be added to sections by using ``addLine``.

.. code-block:: php

    $linestyle = array('weight' => 1, 'width' => 100, 'height' => 0, 'color' => 635552);

Available line style attributes:

- ``weight``. Line width in twips.
- ``color``. Defines the color of stroke.
- ``dash``. Line types: dash, rounddot, squaredot, dashdot, longdash, longdashdot, longdashdotdot.
- ``beginArrow``. Start type of arrow: block, open, classic, diamond, oval.
- ``endArrow``. End type of arrow: block, open, classic, diamond, oval.
- ``width``. Line-object width in pt.
- ``height``. Line-object height in pt.
- ``flip``. Flip the line element: true, false.

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0